Without an efficient team, a leader cannot hope to accomplish their goals.

Many entrepreneurs like to think that their success rests on their business acumen, and they’re not wrong. After all, it is the leader’s job to steer the organization in the right direction. However, a business leader is only as effective as their team. Without an efficient team, a leader cannot hope to accomplish their goals.

That is why I partnered with iWorker when I needed help assembling my core team. iWorker hires and trains skilled virtual assistants from developing countries such as Venezuela and Nicaragua and connects them to businesses that require people with critical skills in areas like social media, digital marketing, and customer service.

I met two of my team members, Rafael from Venezuela and Bruno from Brazil, through iWorker. Working with them helped me realize the critical role virtual assistants play in building a business.

I am not the first entrepreneur to hire a virtual assistant, and I certainly won’t be the last. You may even be looking for one right now.

Here are some of the qualities you need to look for when interviewing and hiring an iWorker virtual assistant.

1.  Communication

Working with a remote assistant can be challenging at times. And I’m not just talking about the language barrier, although that won’t be an issue since iWorker’s virtual assistants speak clear English.

Miscommunication can be costly for a business. Not only can it lead to lost time and revenue, but it can also sow discord within your team.

Most of your interactions with a virtual assistant are limited to Zoom and emails, and you’d be lucky to find someone close to your time zone. That is why you need to make sure your virtual assistant fits your specific communication style.

2.  Honesty

Actions speak louder than words. Anyone can easily say that they are good at something, but the only way to ascertain whether a virtual assistant can live up to their claims is to do a test.

You may also want to ask the applicant to do a trial run if you need more time to form an assessment. If you need someone with creative skills, a portfolio is an absolute must.

3.  Critical skills

Those of us in the business world put a premium on hard skills, but we cannot completely discount the importance of insight and higher-order thinking. While some people are content with having a virtual assistant take on administrative tasks, others may be looking for someone who can actively contribute to business development.

A virtual assistant who can provide critical insight can be a valuable addition to your team, especially if you’re new to business. Talent is everywhere, but opportunities are limited in developing countries. Many iWorker virtual assistants are incredibly talented and highly educated professionals who can step up to the challenge.

4.  Professionalism

A good virtual assistant is a professional in word and deed. They should be able to manage themselves with little input and demonstrate professional behavior at all times.

But you don’t want someone who agrees with you all the time. The best virtual assistants are confident enough to point out the occasional error on your end. Think of this as an opportunity to self-correct and become a better business leader.

A final word

The right virtual assistant possesses the right mix of qualities that makes them a good employee and a valuable team member. But finding one is a challenge in itself. I recommend iWorker to any entrepreneur looking for help in their businesses.

You might be thinking, “Why should I go for iWorker over the dozens of agencies on the market today?”

I chose iWorker because I believe in its mission.

One of iWorker’s key differentiators is its impact-oriented model. Co-founder Enrique Yervez left Venezuela with his wife to escape violence and uncertainty. 9 in 10 Venezuelans currently live in poverty and well-paying jobs have all but evaporated.

Enrique’s experience led to the creation of iWorker, with the goal of effecting social impact through meaningful employment. The virtual assistants earn U.S. dollars that give them considerable spending power in their home countries, allowing them to pay for education, healthcare, and more. iWorker also charges fair rates that keep costs down for employers. To date, iWorker has helped over 500 people find jobs with entrepreneurs across the globe.


iWorker’s social mission and highly skilled team make them one of the best virtual assistant agencies today. Any entrepreneur looking for support should contact iWorker.