So how important is it that your people stay aligned for the common good of the organization?

A) Extremely important
B) Critically Important
C) Way important
D) All of the above

Alignment between the Vision and Mission of the organization and those executing it, has been proven to be a critical perquisite to its success, regardless of the company size or the industry. And yes, the correct answer is (d).

Achieving real alignment, where strategy, goals, and meaningful purpose reinforce one another, will give an organization a major advantage because it has a clearer sense of what to do at any given time, and it can trust people to move in the right direction. The result is an organization that can focus less on deciding what to do—and more on just doing. This is especially critical to companies that are growing rapidly.

There is plenty of research that reveals how important the connections between direction, strategy, goals, and purpose are to an organization’s sustained performance. One study found, for example, that when people understand and are excited about the direction their company is taking, the company’s earnings margin is twice as likely to be above the median. And it showed that high-achieving organizations are also better than others at turning their visions into viable strategies that guide operational planning— something many business leaders may believe they already do well, but which often proves difficult in practice

In addition, organizations need to identify those objectives so critical, that its success depends on achieving them. Then learn to prioritize so that the organization’s resources are focused on the most vital objectives.

So, have I convinced you yet on how important organizational alignment is to your company’s success?

Well here are a few more benefits that may provide the greatest impact:

  • It will allow you to move quickly from planning to execution stages.
  • Increases employee engagement and overall morale. This will improve your rates of employee retention.
  • Creates a sense of ownership and autonomy over your company’s success.
  • Will improve your operational execution.
  • Boosts your productivity and improves your bottom line.

Simply put, when people feel aligned with your goals, they feel like they are a key part of your success. This can be the difference between a profitable business and a failed venture.

It is important to remember though, that there has to be a connection between the organizational goals and what ultimately motivates people as individuals. Your Team has to be engaged in the process

Six key strategies to increase organizational alignment

Now that you know just how important organizational alignment is for your success, it is time to put it into action. Utilize these 5 strategies in order to reach your goals.

  1. Take a key role in communicating company strategy Miscommunication costs businesses more than $37 billion each year – you don’t want to add to that total. Be direct, make sure everyone understands your plans, and ensure that you communicate your vision and goals to the entire team. Allow them to provide you feedback on what they think they’ll need to achieve those goals. You NEED their buy-in!
  1. Connect daily tasks and efforts to long term goals Every aspect of your daily business should connect back to your long-term Vision and over all goals. This allows leaders and their teams to see how their daily work helps the success of the company – and improves their long-term career prospects. It is important you communicate what is in it for them
  1. Encourage your teams to commit to your strategies The more that your team engages and interacts with your goals, the more likely it is that they will stay committed to them in the long run. During meetings and performance reviews, remember to encourage commitment and remind everyone of goals and their own roles in achieving them.
  1. Consider alternative meeting schedules For many companies, the weekly meeting and check in is the norm – but are these having their intended goals? You need effective systems of communication which allows your team the opportunity to discuss the goals and review their progress.
  1. Recognize and reward your employees’ strengths A recent Gallup study shows that encouraging strengths (rather than focusing on negatives) has a positive effect on productivity. As leaders, we spend far too much time working what people struggle with. Focus on their strengths, compliment them rather than criticize, and find ways to align those strengths with your company’s goals.
  1. Transparency is key Maintaining a sense of transparency throughout your entire organization will allow your employees to see the productivity of their managers and vice versa. Overall transparency can translate to a healthier and more productive work environment for everyone, improving overall engagement.

In Summary, creating and sustaining an effective, aligned culture of an organization can drive truly great results in any industry. Learn to align on critical values you and your leadership team should be modeling for the rest of the organization. Tips to remember:

  • The organization’s culture starts at the top
  • Culture=Behavior; Culture is learned through interaction
  • Create values that support a productive work-place culture