Are you leading with authenticity?
“The core of authenticity is the courage to be imperfect, vulnerable, and to set boundaries.”
A few weeks ago (before the world got turned upside down), I wrote about authenticity in leadership, and how critical it is. Well, if it was important before, it just got a whole lot more so. When you lead with authenticity, you have as much an eye on the impact to the humans around you as the business results, and yes you can satisfy both! Authentic leaders admit when they make mistakes, they take ownership and responsibility for their failures just as much as their successes. They ask for feedback because they genuinely strive to constantly improve their impact on the business (and the world). Authentic leaders are passionate about business results and compassionate to the people that help them achieve those results.

Some traits of Authentic Leaders:
Faithful in humanity
What we need now, more than ever, are authentic leaders! Authentic leaders will inspire us to overcome the massive challenges ahead of us, and look forward to celebrating alongside us when we can finally be back in a place to claim victory.