Ignoring stress will only make matters worse.

With more and more people returning to the office, the shock of necessary changes to keep people safe can be stressful and overwhelming.

During this insanity, there are times I feel like I’m walking on eggshells. I can feel the tension in myself, in my colleagues and my family. It is difficult to focus with constant uncertainty and a rapidly evolving news cycle.

When we are in this anxious, stressed mode, it becomes more challenging to relax and make informed decisions. Being stressed also impacts your health and reduces the effectiveness of your immune system, which we all need fully intact right now.

Here are a few stress management ideas that seem to work for me:

Express gratitude. It sounds so simple, but appreciation for the good things in our lives is one of the keys to managing stress. Each morning, express gratitude for three things. A daily gratitude practice can boost the immune system, improve mental and physical health, and create a sense of calm during stressful times.

Play some music. Music is a must. It is an amazing tool to help calm the mind. Put aside work for a few minutes and lose yourself in music. Doesn’t matter what kind. Whatever relaxes the mind.

Meditate. I know this might not be the easiest time to start a new meditation practice. For now, spend about 2-3 minutes on a guided meditation when you start to feel the stress and negative thoughts take over. The Calm app is a great place to start. It has a free version and some fabulous quick meditations to quiet the mind.

Give back. Giving back is another tool that has been shown to reduce stress. I always feel better whenever I can help someone else.
Being Outdoors. Any chance I get I’m outside, whether its walking the dog, surfing, biking, or full on camping. Fresh air creates increased oxygen which translates to greater energy and clarity of mind.

Share kindness. Many are going through the day worried about their own health and the wellness of their family and friends. Assume positive intent if a someone seems stressed. Share kindness by showing up for those who need extra support.

Detach from media. Have periods of your day(or all day) away from media, so you aren’t marinating the whole day in negative news. This is hard for me, but I feel so much better when I stay away.

High Impact Managers are typically much better than most managers in controlling their workplace stress to achieve high impact results. Take control of your stress gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to reduce your stress and improve the joy you have for what you do.